3. Write advice for these problems. UseI think / I don’t think you should… and your own...

Câu hỏi:

3. Write advice for these problems. Use I think / I don’t think you should … and your own ideas.

1. My best friend gave me a T-shirt for my birthday, but I hate it. 

2.  I want to go to the cinema this weekend, but I haven’t got any money.

3.  I borrowed a DVD from my friend, but I’ve lost it.

Câu trả lời:
Người trả lời: GV. Đỗ Đăng Hưng
Cách làm:

1. Định nghĩa vấn đề.
2. Suy nghĩ về cách giải quyết vấn đề dựa trên các gợi ý đã cho.
3. Viết câu trả lời dựa trên các ý kiến của mình.

Câu trả lời:

1. I think you should appreciate your best friend's gesture and the effort they put into choosing a gift for you. It's important to remember the thought behind the gift, rather than just focusing on the item itself. Even if you don't like the T-shirt, you can still express gratitude for the kind gesture. I don’t think you should tell her that you hate it, as it might hurt her feelings. Instead, you can thank her for the gift and maybe find a way to gently let her know your preferences in the future.
2. I think you should consider alternative plans for the weekend since you don't have any money to go to the cinema. You could invite friends over for a movie night at home, organize a game night, or simply spend time relaxing with your family. It's important to be creative and find enjoyable activities that don't require spending money. This way, you can still have a great weekend without feeling the pressure of finances.
3. I think you should apologize to your friend for losing the DVD and offer to replace it. It's important to take responsibility for your actions and make amends for the mistake. Being honest and sincere in your apology will show your friend that you value the relationship and are willing to make things right. By buying your friend a new DVD, you can demonstrate your remorse and show that you are willing to make up for the loss.
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