Giải bài tập sách bài tập (SBT) tiếng anh lớp 10 Friends Global Cumulative Review 2. Units 1 - 3

Bộ sách giải bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Friends Global Cumulative Review 2

Bộ sách bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Friends Global Cumulative Review 2 là bộ sách mới được Bộ Giáo dục và đào tạo phê duyệt trong chương trình đổi mới. Với cách hướng dẫn cụ thể và giải chi tiết, sách này giúp học sinh nắm bắt bài học tốt hơn trong chương trình học mới.

Bài tập và hướng dẫn giải


1. Read the sentences and underline the keywords. then listen to the information about the London Cinema Museum. Are the sentences true (T) of false (F)? 

1. The London Cinema Museum isn't very well known.

2. The actor Charlie Chaplin once visited the museum.

3 You needn't go on a guided tour if you want to visit the collection. 

4 You don't have to buy a ticket to see a film before the day of the showing. 

5 The museum is difficult to get to.

Trả lời: Cách làm:1. Đọc câu trả lời và gạch dưới các từ quan trọng.2. Nghe thông tin về Bảo tàng Điện ảnh... Xem hướng dẫn giải chi tiết


2. Work in pairs. You are at home with a friend and there is nothing you want to watch on TV. You are looking at the films available on the pay-per-view channel. Express your opinions about the films below. Which film will you pay to see, and why? Why are you rejecting the other options?

Guardians of the GalaxyAction122 mins£4
FrozenAnimation108 mins£3.50
Anchorman 2143 mins£4.50
Trả lời: Cách làm:1. Đọc kỹ câu hỏi và từng phần của nó.2. Xác định ý kiến của mình với mỗi bộ phim.3. Chọn... Xem hướng dẫn giải chi tiết

3. Read the text and choose the best answers. Underline the sentences in the text that helped you decide. 

1 What is Mike Owen doing today? 

a He is playingputer games. 

b He is watching a TV series from start to finish. 

c He is running a difficult race. 

d He is watching an interesting documentary on TV. 

2 According to the text, waiting for the next episode of a TV series can make viewers feel?

a anxious. 

b bored. 

c delighted 

d frightened. 

3 How much does it cost to use an online streaming service? 

a Nothing - it's free. 

b It depends on the film. 

c The same every month. 

d Users pay by the hour. 

4 Viewers who stream programmes 

a can leave the room during the adverts. 

b needn't receive phone calls. 

c mustn't get up in the middle of a film. 

d don't have to watch at particular times. 

5 What makes Mike choose to watch House of Cards today? 

a It only has thirteen episodes. 

b Many TV channels show it at the same time. 

c It was highly recognised as a huge success. 

d There is just one episode each week.


It's dark outside, but eighteen-year-old Mike Owen doesn't notice the time passing. Today, he's only doing one thing: sitting in front of hisputer screen, watching all thirteen episodes of a TV drama. 

Binge-viewing - watching several episodes of a TV series in one sitting - is getting more and more popular. And it isn't hard to see why. In the past, viewers had to wait nervously between episodes of their favourite TV series, because they were usually broadcast only once a week. Each episode finished with a moment of suspense called a 'cliffhanger', and fans were often left for seven whole days wondering what would happen next. But all of this has changed with the technology of streaming. For a monthly subscription, viewers can choose films or programmes from an online streaming service, which they can view on their TV, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. 

This system has a number of advantages. Firstly, users can watch what they want when they want. Secondly, they can pause the film or programme so they can get a snack or answer the phone without missing the action. Thirdly, and most importantly for some, their viewing is not constantly interrupted by advertisements. 

Mike is watching a series called House of Cards, a political thriller starring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright. Instead of introducing one episode a week, all thirteen chapters were streamed online at the same time. The series was extremely popular and won a number of awards. TV executives should take note of the show's success because the future of their own channels may be in danger.

Trả lời: 1. Để trả lời các câu hỏi trên, bạn cần đọc kỹ đoạn văn trích từ bài đọc và tìm các thông tin cần... Xem hướng dẫn giải chi tiết

4 Choose the best options to fill in the blanks.


Going to the cinema is supposed to be fun, but sometimes, this is not the case. For example, how (1)___________times have you heard a mobile phone ring while you (2)___________a film? This is one of the most (3)___________things that can happen in the cinema. We are always reminded to turn off our mobiles before the film starts, so there really aren't (4)___________ excuses. And if you forget, you (5)__________ answer your phone, because the person can leave a message on your voicemail.

Sitting next to a baby can also be a pain. Unfortunately, small children don't understand that they (6)___________ be noisy in the cinema. (7)___________ parents may not have anybody to leave their children with, but they don't (8)___________to go to the cinema to see a film. Instead, they could watch one online or rent a DVD.

Finally, there is the issue of people talking. Most of us whisper when we want to say something, but a (9)___________people don't seem to know how. I'm afraid I don't have (10)___________ patience with these rude people, and I usually tell them to be quiet!


a. many

b. much

c. some


a. watch

b. were watching

c. watched


a. annoyed

b. cross

c. annoying


a. a lot

b. any

c. some


a. musn’t 

b. needn’t

c. don’t 


a. needn’t 

b. don’t 

c. mustn’t 


a. Some

b. Any

c. A


a. have

b. must

c. needn’t


a. little

b. lot

c. few


a. many

b. much

c. some

Trả lời: Để làm bài này, bạn cần đọc kỹ đoạn văn và điền vào mỗi chỗ trống từ a, b, hoặc c tương ứng với từ... Xem hướng dẫn giải chi tiết


5. You and a friend watched the first season of a TV series last weekend. Write a letter to another friend in which you: 

• say which series you watched and who you watched it with. 

• give your personal opinion of the series. 

• mention what you did after you finished watching the series. 

• invite your friend to watch the next season of the series with you soon.

Trả lời: Cách làm:1. Để làm bài này, bạn cần sắp xếp các thông tin theo thứ tự sau: - Series bạn đã xem và... Xem hướng dẫn giải chi tiết
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