C. Listen again. Write an unhealthy habit of each person. Then, write a sentences giving advice to...

Câu hỏi:

C. Listen again. Write an unhealthy habit of each person. Then, write a sentences giving advice to that person using a modal (could, should, must or have to)

1. Hiroto

a. Unhealthy habit: eats protein bars and drinks energy drinks.

b. Advice: _______________________________________________.

2. Ivan

a. Unhealthy habit: _________________________________________.

b. Advice: ________________________________________________.

3. Gloria

a. Unhealthy habit: _________________________________________.

b. Advice: ________________________________________________.

Câu trả lời:
Người trả lời: GV. Đỗ Hồng Ánh
Cách làm:
1. Nghe lại đoạn và ghi lại một thói quen không lành mạnh của mỗi người. Sau đó, viết một câu cung cấp lời khuyên cho người đó bằng cách sử dụng một trợ động từ (could, should, must hoặc have to).

Câu trả lời:
1. Hirotoa. Unhealthy habit: eats protein bars and drinks energy drinks.
b. Advice: Hirotoa must stop eating protein bars and drinking energy drinks./ He could try incorporating more fruits and vegetables into his diet for energy.
2. Ivana. Unhealthy habit: doesn’t get any exercise.
b. Advice: Ivana should make time for at least 30 minutes of exercise every day./ Ivana should join a gym or a fitness class to stay active.
3. Gloria. Unhealthy habit: doesn’t sleep enough.
b. Advice: Gloria should establish a bedtime routine to ensure she gets enough sleep every night./ Gloria could try relaxing activities before bed to help her fall asleep faster.
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