A. Look at the pictures. Write questions and answers. Use the words from the box.cotton, leather,...

Câu hỏi:

A. Look at the pictures. Write questions and answers. Use the words from the box.

cotton, leather, silk, synthetic materials, wool

Giải sách bài tập (SBT) tiếng anh lớp 10 Explore new worlds unit 9 Types of Clothing Lesson C

Câu trả lời:
Người trả lời: GV. Đỗ Đăng Ngọc
Cách làm:
1. Look at the pictures and identify the materials shown in each picture.
2. Write questions using the words from the box to ask about the materials in the pictures.
3. Write answers to the questions based on the pictures.

Ví dụ:
Picture 1: A picture of a soft and fluffy material
Question: What material is this? (wool)
Answer: This is wool.

Picture 2: A picture of a shiny and smooth material
Question: What material is this? (silk)
Answer: This is silk.

Picture 3: A picture of a strong and durable material
Question: What material is this? (leather)
Answer: This is leather.

Picture 4: A picture of a light and breathable material
Question: What material is this? (cotton)
Answer: This is cotton.

Picture 5: A picture of a versatile and easy-to-care-for material
Question: What material is this? (synthetic materials)
Answer: This is a synthetic material.
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