Câu 3: trang 146 - toán tiếng anh lớp 5A motorbike travelled at 8:37 am from A at a speed of 36...

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Câu 3: trang 146 - toán tiếng anh lớp 5

A motorbike travelled at 8:37 am from A at a speed of 36 km/h. At 11:07 am, a car left A at a speed of 54 km/h to catch up with the motorbike 

Một xe máy đi từ A lúc 8 giờ 37 phút với vận tốc 36 km/giờ. Đến 11 giờ 7 phút một ô tô cũng đi từ A đuổi theo xe máy với vận tốc 54km/giờ. Hỏi ô tô đuổi kịp xe máy lúc mấy giờ ?

Câu trả lời:
Người trả lời: GV. Đỗ Văn Dung
Câu trả lời chi tiết và đầy đủ hơn cho câu hỏi trên như sau:

The time that the motorbike travels but the car does not is:
$11\text{ hours }7\text{ minutes} - 8\text{ hours }37\text{ minutes} = 10\text{ hours }67\text{ minutes} - 8\text{ hours }37\text{ minutes} = 2\text{ hours }30\text{ minutes}$
$= 2\frac{1}{2} \text{ hours} = 2.5\text{ hours}$.

At 11:07, the motorbike travelled a distance:
$s = v \times t = 36 \times 2.5 = 90$ km.

The car, with a speed of 54 km/h, catches up to the motorbike at a rate of 18 km/h (54 - 36) per hour. Therefore, it takes:
$\frac{90}{18} = 5$ hours for the car to catch up.

Adding this time to the initial time of 11 hours 7 minutes gives us the time at which the car catches up with the motorbike:
$11\text{ hours }7\text{ minutes} + 5\text{ hours} = 16\text{ hours }7\text{ minutes}$ (or 4:07 pm).

So, the car catches up with the motorbike at 4 hours 7 minutes pm, or 16 hours 7 minutes.

Đáp số: 16 giờ 7 phút hoặc 4 giờ 7 phút chiều.
Bình luận (3)

nguyễn thị chung

At a speed of 54 km/h, it will take the car 90 km / 54 km/h = approximately 1.67 hours. So, the car will catch up with the motorbike at (11:07 + 1 hour 40 minutes) = 12:47 pm.

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Thao Nguyen Dieu

During this time, the motorbike covered a distance of 36 km/h x 2.5 hours = 90 km. Now the car needs to cover this 90 km distance to catch up with the motorbike.

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To catch up with the motorbike, the car needs to cover the distance that the motorbike has already traveled. The motorbike traveled for (11:07 - 8:37) = 2 hours and 30 minutes = 2.5 hours.

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