Write Unit 3: A trip to the countryside

A Fun Day in the Countryside

It was a perfect day to go on a picnic with my friends. We decided to take a trip to the countryside for a day of fun and relaxation. After taking a bus to our destination, we enjoyed a leisurely walk for about 20 minutes to reach the perfect picnic spot by the river.

Once we arrived, we laid out our blankets on the grass and set up a delicious spread of food for our picnic. We laughed and talked as we enjoyed our meal together, feeling the warm sun on our faces and the gentle breeze in the air.

After eating, we played games like "What song is it?" and "blind man's buff", which brought out the competitive spirit in all of us. As the day went on, we decided to try our hand at fishing in the river, each of us trying to catch the biggest fish.

As the sun began to set, we realized it was already 6.30 p.m. and we needed to start packing up and head back home. We quickly gathered our belongings and ran to catch the last bus back, feeling tired but happy after a day filled with laughter and fun in the countryside.

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