Getting started Unit 7: Saving energy

Getting started Unit 7: Saving energy

This section will help you get an overview of the topic 'saving energy'. The lesson requires you to look at the pictures and work with a partner to list the things the family in the picture could do to save energy. The following is a suggested solution to the exercise in the textbook.


Look at the pictures. Work with a partner to make a list of things the family could do to save energy.


- They should remember to turn off the faucets when they are not in use to save water.

- It is important for them to switch off the lights before going to bed or leaving the house to conserve electricity.

- They should also make it a habit to turn off the television and radio when they are not actively watching or listening to them.

- Utilizing natural sunlight to illuminate rooms can help reduce the need for artificial lighting and save energy.

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