1. Despite the cold weather, we all went for a walk. (ALTHOUGH) ___________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. Difficult as the homework was, we tried our best to complete it. (THOUGH) (IN SPITE OF) ___________________________________________________________________________________ . ___________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. I tried to persuade her. I didn’t succeed, however. (ALTHOUGH) ___________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. Even though we were tired, we got up early and started the trip.
Tired______________________________________________________________________________ .
Although___________________________________________________________________________ .
No matter how______________________________________________________________________ .
5. It was raining, but I went swimming anyway. (DESPITE) ___________________________________________________________________________________ .
6. Though cold and exhausted, Andrew managed to walk home.
However___________________________________________________________________________ .
7. I like fish, but I don’t like catching them myself. (MUCH AS) ___________________________________________________________________________________ .
8. Although the dog appeared harmless, it was, in fact, quite dangerous. Harmless___________________________________________________________________________ .
9. Ann felt ill, but insisted on going to work. (REGARDLESS OF) ___________________________________________________________________________________ .
10. We could not solve the problem of rubbish in spite of working hard.
Hard______________________________________________________________________________ .
Work______________________________________________________________________________ .
No matter how______________________________________________________________________ .
11. I rang the doorbell. Nobody answered, though. (ALTHOUGH) ___________________________________________________________________________________ .
12. Promptly as the doctors acted, they were unable to save the patient. However___________________________________________________________________________ .
13. We expected Larry to accept the job, but he didn’t. (EVEN THOUGH) ___________________________________________________________________________________ .
14. No matter how hard Fred tried to start the car, he didn’t succeed.
Hard______________________________________________________________________________ .
15. Even though she hurried, she stopped to help the blind woman. (DESPITE) ___________________________________________________________________________________ .
16. Though I tried hard, I could not persuade him to change his mind.
Try________________________________________________________________________________ .
Hard______________________________________________________________________________ .
However___________________________________________________________________________ .
17. Hard-working as he is, he will never be top of his class.
Although___________________________________________________________________________ .
Though____________________________________________________________________________ .
18. Although he is young, he has been to more than 30 countries in the world and gained a lot of experience.
Though____________________________________________________________________________ .
19. Impressed as we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive. (NO MATTER HOW) ___________________________________________________________________________________ .
20. Although she swam strongly, she didn’t win the first prize in the race.
In spite of_________________________________________________________________________ .
Swim______________________________________________________________________________ .
Strongly____________________________________________________________________________ .
Các câu trả lời
Câu hỏi Tiếng anh Lớp 12
Câu hỏi Lớp 12
Bạn muốn hỏi điều gì?
Để hoàn thành câu hỏi trên, trước hết bạn cần hiểu cấu trúc và cách sử dụng các liên từ "ALTHOUGH", "THOUGH", "IN SPITE OF", "DESPITE", "MUCH AS", "EVEN THOUGH", "REGARDLESS OF", "NO MATTER HOW". Sau đó, bạn sẽ áp dụng các liên từ này vào các câu mẫu để tạo ra câu trả lời cho câu hỏi.Ví dụ: 1. Despite the cold weather, we all went for a walk. (ALTHOUGH) Although it was cold, we all went for a walk. (THOUGH) Though it was cold, we all went for a walk.2. Difficult as the homework was, we tried our best to complete it. (ALTHOUGH) Although the homework was difficult, we tried our best to complete it. (IN SPITE OF) In spite of the difficult homework, we tried our best to complete it.3. I tried to persuade her. I didn’t succeed, however. (ALTHOUGH) Although I tried to persuade her, I didn’t succeed.4. Even though we were tired, we got up early and started the trip. Tired as we were, we got up early and started the trip. Although we were tired, we got up early and started the trip. No matter how tired we were, we got up early and started the trip.Với các câu còn lại, bạn có thể áp dụng cùng cấu trúc và cách sử dụng các liên từ để tạo ra câu trả lời phù hợp. Đừng quên kiểm tra chính tả và ngữ pháp khi viết câu trả lời.
In spite of swimming strongly, she didn’t win the first prize in the race.
No matter how impressed we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive.
Though hard-working he is, he will never be top of his class.
Although he is young, he has been to more than 30 countries in the world and gained a lot of experience.