Lớp 7
Lớp 1điểm
2 tháng trước
Phạm Đăng Linh

III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of break / give / keep / see.  1. She …………………… me a big smile when I got to work this morning.  2. He said he was sorry to …………………… us waiting.  3. That’s the second time she’s …………………… the record.  4. Before we make a decision, let’s …………………… what Patricia says.  5. He just came up to me and …………………… me a big hug.  6. I don’t know what the problem is, but I …………………… getting headaches.  7. I don’t know when the next bus is due – I’ll go and …………………… what the timetable says.  8. There’s something wrong with this door. – Yes, I …………………… what you mean.  9. I’ll have to …………………… the news when they get here.  10. I don’t …………………… the point of spending a lot of money on children’s clothes – they only last for a few months and then they’re too small.

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