Lớp 9
Lớp 1điểm
4 tháng trước
Phạm Đăng Hưng

I. Put these sentences into the passive voice. 1. Should they help Jane with the sewing? ............................................................................................................... 2. Must we finish the test before ten? ............................................................................................................... 3. They use a computer to do that job nowadays. ............................................................................................................... 4. The bank manager kept me for half an hour. ............................................................................................................... 5. They used to drink beer for breakfast in England years ago ............................................................................................................... 6. They were cleaning the floor when I arrived. ............................................................................................................... 7. The pollution in the city was affecting people’s breathing. ............................................................................................................... 8. Where did they hold the 1988 Olympic Games? ............................................................................................................... 9. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview. ............................................................................................................... 10. People say that Arthur robbed a bank a long time ago. (2) ................................................................................................................

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Phương pháp làm:
- Để chuyển đổi câu từ dạng chủ động sang bị động, ta thực hiện các bước sau:
1. Xác định chủ ngữ và động từ chính trong câu chủ động.
2. Đặt chủ ngữ của câu chủ động trở thành tân ngữ, và tân ngữ của câu chủ động trở thành chủ từ của câu bị động.
3. Chuyển động từ chính của câu chủ động thành phần từ được bỏ đi trợ động từ "be" và dạng bị động của động từ chính (V3).
4. Nếu câu chủ động có đối tượng, đặt đối tượng trở thành thành phần bổ ngữ của câu bị động.
5. Đổi thể các đại từ và các thì của động từ nếu cần thiết.

Câu trả lời:
1. Should Jane be helped with the sewing?
Should Jane help be by them the sewing?
Should the sewing be helped with by them?

2. Must the test be finished before ten?
Must be the test by us finished before ten?
Must the test be by us finished before ten?

3. A computer is used to do that job nowadays.
That job is used to be done by a computer nowadays.
That job used to be done by a computer nowadays.

4. I was kept by the bank manager for half an hour.
I was kept for half an hour by the bank manager.
For half an hour, I was kept by the bank manager.

5. Beer used to be drunk for breakfast in England years ago.
For breakfast, beer used to be drunk in England years ago.
In England years ago, beer used to be drunk for breakfast.

6. The floor was being cleaned when I arrived.
When I arrived, the floor was being cleaned.
The floor was being cleaned at the time I arrived.

7. People's breathing was being affected by the pollution in the city.
The pollution in the city was being affected people's breathing.
People's breathing was affected by the pollution in the city.

8. Where were the 1988 Olympic Games held?
Where were held the 1988 Olympic Games?
The 1988 Olympic Games were held where?

9. I was asked some difficult questions at the interview.
Some difficult questions were asked me at the interview.
At the interview, I was asked some difficult questions.

10. It is said that a bank was robbed by Arthur a long time ago. (2)
They say that a bank was robbed by Arthur a long time ago.
A bank was said to be robbed by Arthur a long time ago.

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I was asked some difficult questions at the interview by them.

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Câu hỏi Lớp 9

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