Lớp 8
Lớp 1điểm
3 tháng trước
Đỗ Bảo Ánh

1. John said: “How long does it take you to get to London, Mary?” -> John asked Mary………………………………… 2. The policeman asked the little girl: “What’s your name?” -> The policeman asked the little girl ……………………………………………………. 3. Mr. Green said to his secretary: “Who did you talk to akew minutes ago?” -> Mr. Green asked his secretary ………………..………………………………………. 4. She asked her son: “Do you know which is the cup you used?” -> She asked her son ……………………………… 5. Helen said: “What did you say, Jack? -> Halen asked Jack ……………………………….. 6. “Every weekend, the astronauts can have private video-conferences sith their families on the Earth” Dr. Nelson said. -> Dr. Nelson said Nick askes his teacher. ………………………………..………………………… 7. “Have the astronauts ever forgotten anything from the Earth?” Nick askes his teacher. -> Nick askes his teacher .………………………….. 8. “The astronauts on the ISS use a 3-D printer on board to print certain objects,” the teacher anwered Nick. -> The teacher told Nick …………………………… 9. “Ganymede, the largest moon od Jupiter, has a large salt water ocean,” the teacher said. -> The teacher said. ……………………………….  

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nếu câu trả lời hữu ích nhé!

Các câu trả lời

1. John said: “How long does it take you to get to London, Mary?”

-> John asked Mary how long it took her to get to London

2. The policeman asked the little girl: “What’s your name?”

-> The policeman asked the little girl what her name was

3. Mr. Green said to his secretary: “Who did you talk to akew minutes ago?”

-> Mr. Green asked his secretary who he/she talked to a few minutes ago

4. She asked her son: “Do you know which is the cup you used?”

-> She asked her son if he knew which was the cup he had used

5. Helen said: “What did you say, Jack?

-> Halen asked Jack what he had said

6. “Every weekend, the astronauts can have private video-conferences sith their families on the Earth” Dr. Nelson said.

-> Dr. Nelson saidthe astronauts could have private video-conferences sith their families on the Earth every weekend

7. “Have the astronauts ever forgotten anything from the Earth?” Nick askes his teacher.

-> Nick askes his teacher if she the astronauts had ever forgetten anything from the Earth

8. “The astronauts on the ISS use a 3-D printer on board to print certain objects,” the teacher anwered Nick.

-> The teacher told Nick the astronauts on the ISS used a 3-D printer on board to print certain objects

9. “Ganymede, the largest moon od Jupiter, has a large salt water ocean,” the teacher said.

-> The teacher said Ganymede, the largest moon od Jupiter, had a large salt water ocean

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