Lớp 9
Lớp 1điểm
6 tháng trước
Đỗ Văn Hạnh

III. READING: Read the following passage and do the tasks that follow. (2.5 points) The Internet has rapidly developed and become part of our daily life. It is a very fast and convenient way to get information. People use the Internet for many purposes: education, communication, entertainment and commerce. The Internet helps people communicate with friends and relatives by means of e-mail or chatting. However, the Internet has limitations. It is time-consuming and costly. It is also dangerous because of viruses and bad programs. On the other hand, the Internet users sometimes have to suffer various risks such as spam or electronic junk mail and personal information leaking. So while enjoying surfing, be alert! Part 1: True/False. (0.25/each) 1. The main idea of the passage is about advantages of the Internet. ………………… 2. We can use the internet as a fast and convenient way to get information. ………………… 3. Two of the disadvantages of the Internet are costly and time-consuming. ………………… 4. The Internet helps people get in touch with one another by means of e-mail or chatting. ………………… Part 2: Answer questions. (0.5/each) 5. What do people use the internet for?  6. Does Internet have disadvantages?  7. What risks do the internet users have to suffer?  Mọi người giúp em với

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Để trả lời cho câu hỏi trên, bạn cần thực hiện các bước sau:

Part 1: True/False.
1. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và xác định xem câu hỏi yêu cầu đúng hay sai.
2. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn để tìm thông tin liên quan.
3. Xác định câu hỏi có đúng hay sai.

Kết quả:
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True

Part 2: Answer questions.
5. Đọc lại đoạn văn để tìm thông tin về việc người ta sử dụng Internet để làm gì.
6. Tìm thông tin về nhược điểm của Internet.
7. Xác định rủi ro mà người dùng Internet phải đối mặt.

Câu trả lời:
5. People use the Internet for many purposes: education, communication, entertainment and commerce.
6. Yes, the Internet has limitations such as being time-consuming and costly.
7. The Internet users have to suffer risks such as spam or electronic junk mail and personal information leaking.

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4. True. The internet helps people communicate with friends and relatives through e-mail or chatting.

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3. True. The passage states that two of the disadvantages of the internet are that it is time-consuming and costly.

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2. True. The internet is mentioned as a fast and convenient way to get information.

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1. False. The main idea of the passage is about both advantages and limitations of the internet.

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