Lớp 8
Lớp 1điểm
3 tháng trước
Đỗ Huỳnh Vương

: Chuyển các câu dưới đây sang câu bị động 1.     Because my sister is ill, I will take her to hospital tomorrow.    2.     I will borrow this book from my classmate.  3.     They will buy this old computer because they don't have much money.  4.     Will Ata  introduce his girlfriend on his next birthday?  5.     My mother will hang my clothes in balcony.  6.     My boyfriend will install it for me.  7.     Millions of people will visit the star's house.  8.     Our boss will not sign the contract 9.     They will not sell the new film.  10. You will not see me. 

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Các câu trả lời

Because my sister is ill, she will be taken to hospital tomorrow

This book will be borrowed from my classmate

This old computer will be bought because they don't have much money

Will Ata's girlfriend be introduced by him on his next birthday?

My clothes will be hung in balcony

It will be installed for me by my boyfriend

The star's house will be visited by millions of people

The contract will not be signed by our boss

The new film won't be sold

I won't be seen

\(\text{♪₰⨦ ⨢⇴↨₰♪}\)

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0.50037 sec| 2242.602 kb