Lớp 5
Lớp 1điểm
4 tháng trước
Đỗ Bảo Ánh

Ex 9: Fill in the blanks by using the correct verb form. My driving course __________ (go) well and, to my surprise, I ________ (enjoy) it very much. Harry and Liz, who run the driving school in my area, __ (seem) very professional. But what I like most about them is that they _________ (feel) like friends rather than teachers. I know I’m making a lot of stupid mistakes (still!) but they keep saying: ‘Don’t worry. You __________ (learn). Everybody ________ (need) to go through this stage’. They always _________ (concentrate) on the positive and __________ (support) me in every way. It’s great that Anna from my school __________ (do) the course with me. At the moment we __________ (practice) different driving manoeuvres. Anna ________ (find) them really difficult but she __________ (get) better and better. I ___________ (think) we will both pass our driving test in March

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Để hoàn thành bài tập này, bạn cần điền vào chỗ trống bằng cách sử dụng dạng đúng của động từ cho trước. Sau đó, viết câu trả lời cho câu hỏi bằng cách điền các động từ đã chọn vào chỗ trống.

Ví dụ:
- go
- enjoy
- seem
- feel
- learn
- need
- concentrate
- support
- do
- practice
- find
- get
- think

Cách làm 1:
My driving course is going well and, to my surprise, I am enjoying it very much. Harry and Liz, who run the driving school in my area, seem very professional. But what I like most about them is that they feel like friends rather than teachers. I know I’m making a lot of stupid mistakes (still!) but they keep saying: ‘Don’t worry. You are learning. Everybody needs to go through this stage’. They always concentrate on the positive and support me in every way. It’s great that Anna from my school is doing the course with me. At the moment we are practicing different driving manoeuvres. Anna finds them really difficult but she is getting better and better. I think we will both pass our driving test in March.

Cách làm 2:
My driving course went well and, to my surprise, I enjoyed it very much. Harry and Liz, who run the driving school in my area, seemed very professional. But what I liked most about them was that they felt like friends rather than teachers. I knew I was making a lot of stupid mistakes (still!) but they kept saying: ‘Don’t worry. You are learning. Everybody needs to go through this stage’. They always concentrated on the positive and supported me in every way. It was great that Anna from my school was doing the course with me. At the moment we were practicing different driving manoeuvres. Anna found them really difficult but she was getting better and better. I thought we would both pass our driving test in March.

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They always concentrate on the positive and support me in every way.

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But what I like most about them is that they feel like friends rather than teachers.

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Harry and Liz, who run the driving school in my area, seem very professional.

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