Lớp 9
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6 tháng trước
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TEEN STRESS             Teenagers today live in a very competitive world. It is more important than ever to succeed at school if you hope to have a chance in the job market afterwards. It's no wonder that many young people worry about letting down their parents, their peers and themselves. To try to please everyone, they take on too many tasks until it becomes harder and harder to balance homework assignments, parties, sports activities and friends. The result is that young people suffer from stress.             There are different ways of dealing with stress. Everyone knows that caffeine, in the form of coffee or soft drinks, keeps you awake and alert. But caffeine is a drug which can become addictive. In the end, like other drugs, caffeine only leads to more stress. There are better ways to deal with stress: physical exercise is a good release for stress, because it increases certain chemicals in the brain which calm you down. You have to get enough sleep to avoid stress and to stay healthy and full of energy.               Another way to avoid stress is to manage your time effectively. It is better to do a few tasks really well, than lots of tasks badly. Know your limits and try not to take on too much. Finally, if it all gets beyond your control, don’t panic or get hysterical. Find the time to sit down quietly and breathe deeply for ten to twenty minutes. Do this regularly, and it will help you calm down and put things into perspective.   MAKE A LIST OF THE WORDS YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND   UNDERLINE THE VERBS IN THE TEXT. SEPARATE THEM INTO TENSES AND IDENTIFY WHY WE USE THEM THAT WAY.   ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT 1.        What are the main causes of stress in young people?        2.        Describe three ways to overcome stress.

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Phương pháp để làm bài này là:

1. Đọc và hiểu văn bản tiếng Anh.
2. Đánh dấu các từ không hiểu trong văn bản.
3. Ghi chú các động từ trong văn bản và phân loại chúng theo thì.
4. Đọc và trả lời các câu hỏi dựa trên thông tin trong văn bản.

Câu trả lời cho câu hỏi:

1. The main causes of stress in young people are living in a competitive world, the pressure to succeed at school, the fear of letting down their parents, peers, and themselves, and taking on too many tasks.
2. Three ways to overcome stress are:
a) Engage in physical exercise to release stress and increase chemicals in the brain that calm you down.
b) Ensure you get enough sleep to avoid stress and stay healthy.
c) Manage your time effectively, know your limits, and avoid taking on too much.
d) Take the time to sit down quietly and practice deep breathing regularly to calm down and gain perspective on things.

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Three ways to overcome stress are engaging in physical exercise, managing time effectively, and practicing deep breathing and relaxation techniques.

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The main causes of stress in young people are the pressure to succeed at school, fear of disappointing their parents and peers, and taking on too many tasks and responsibilities.

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