Lớp 9
Lớp 1điểm
7 tháng trước
Đỗ Minh Việt

I. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the suitable words. THE BEATLES In the 1960s, The Beatles were probably the (1) famous pop group in the whole world. Since then, there have (2) a great many groups that have achieved enormous fame, so it is perhaps difficult now to imagine how sensational The Beatles were at the time. They were four boys from the north of (3) and none of them had any training in music. They started by performing and recording songs (4) black Americans and they had some success with these songs, then they (5) writing their own songs and that was when they became really popular. The Beatles changed pop music. They were the first (6) group to achieve great success from songs they had written themselves. After that it became common for groups and singers to write their own (7) . The Beatles did not have a long career. Their first hit record was in 1963 and they split up (8) 1970. They stopped doing live performances in 1966 because it had become too dangerous for them their fans were so excited (9) they surrounded them and tried to take their clothes as souvenirs! However, today some of their songs remain as (10) as they were when they first came out. Throughout the world, many people can sing part of a Beatles song if you ask them.

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The Beatles changed pop music by being the first group to achieve great success from songs they had written themselves.

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They started by performing and recording songs by black Americans.

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The Beatles were four boys from the north of England and had no training in music.

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There have been a great many groups that have achieved enormous fame after The Beatles.

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The Beatles were probably the most famous pop group in the whole world in the 1960s.

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