Lớp 10
Lớp 1điểm
4 tháng trước
Đỗ Minh Việt

3. Use the outline in 2 and expressions below to write a paragraph (120 - 150 words) about the benefits of blended learning. (Sử dụng dàn ý trong bài 2 và cách diễn đạt dưới đây để viết một đoạn văn (120 - 150 từ) về lợi ích của việc học kết hợp.)Useful expressions First, blended learning helps students/ us do sth (Đầu tiên, học tập kết hợp giúp học sinh/ chúng ta …) Second, they/ we can do sth (Thứ hai, họ/ chúng ta có thể …) This enables/ allows us/ students to do sth (Điều này cho phép chúng ta/ học sinh …) First, __________________________________ _______________________________________ Second, ________________________________ _______________________________________ Finally, _________________________________ _______________________________________

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Để viết đoạn văn về lợi ích của việc học kết hợp, bạn có thể làm như sau:

Cách làm 1:
First, blended learning helps students access a variety of resources and materials that cater to different learning styles. It combines traditional classroom instruction with online activities, allowing students to learn at their own pace and in a way that suits them best.
Second, they can interact with their peers and teachers through online platforms, fostering collaboration and communication skills. This enables students to engage in discussions, ask questions, and receive feedback in real-time.
Finally, blended learning promotes self-directed learning and critical thinking skills, as students take more responsibility for their education and are encouraged to explore topics independently.

Cách làm 2:
First, blended learning helps students develop digital literacy skills, as they navigate online platforms and resources to access information and complete assignments. This equips them with the necessary skills to thrive in a digital world and adapt to technological advancements.
Second, they can benefit from personalized learning experiences, as blended learning allows for individualized instruction and support based on students' strengths and weaknesses. This enables students to receive targeted help and progress at their own pace.
Finally, blended learning enhances time management and organizational skills, as students juggle between online assignments and in-person classes. This prepares them for future academic and professional endeavors where multitasking and prioritization are essential.

Cách làm 3:
First, blended learning provides flexibility and convenience for students, as they can access course materials and participate in discussions from anywhere with an internet connection. This eliminates physical barriers to learning and accommodates diverse schedules and learning preferences.
Second, they can benefit from a more engaging and interactive learning experience, as blended learning incorporates multimedia resources and interactive activities to enhance understanding and retention. This makes learning more enjoyable and effective for students.
Finally, blended learning encourages lifelong learning habits, as students develop the skills and motivation to continue learning beyond the classroom. This fosters a culture of continuous improvement and personal growth.

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This fosters a sense of community and teamwork, preparing students for real-world interactions and collaborative work environments.

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Finally, blended learning promotes collaboration and communication among students through online discussions and group projects.

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This allows students to explore different perspectives and engage with diverse content that enhances their learning experience.

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Second, they can access a wide range of resources and materials online, which helps them deepen their understanding of the subject.

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