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đang cần gấp ạ Nêu nội dung và trình bày lại bài Have you ever heard the saying the early bird catches the worm? It means that whoever gets to an opportunity first is most likely to do well. Birds do eat worms, and they also certainly do wake up early in the morning and start chirping and singing! Certain birds make massive journeys every year, migrating from cold to warm climates. This seems like very hard work; some fly almost halfway around the Earth. Bird watchers like to observe the times of these birds journeys, and search for them when they arrive at their destination. Of course, not all birds travel like this. Some birds, like turkeys, can't even fly at all.

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1. Đọc kỹ câu hỏi và hiểu nội dung cần trả lời.
2. Phân tích câu hỏi để định rõ ý cần trả lời.
3. Liên kết thông tin từ đoạn văn đã cung cấp để trả lời câu hỏi.

Câu trả lời:

Yes, I have heard the saying "the early bird catches the worm". This saying means that being the first to take advantage of an opportunity can lead to success. The saying is derived from the behavior of birds, who wake up early in the morning and start their activities. Some birds, like those that migrate long distances, work hard to travel from one place to another in search of a better environment. Bird watchers study these migration patterns and observe the birds during their journey. It is fascinating to see how some birds can travel vast distances, while others, like turkeys, are unable to fly at all.

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While some birds make long journeys, not all birds travel like this as some species, such as turkeys, are unable to fly at all.

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Bird watchers observe the migration patterns of birds and eagerly await their arrival at different destinations.

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Certain birds migrate from cold to warm climates every year, traveling long distances which can be seen as a form of hard work.

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Birds wake up early in the morning and start chirping and singing, which is often associated with the idea of getting a head start on the day.

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