Lớp 9
Lớp 1điểm
6 tháng trước
Đỗ Thị Ánh

Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 1. The flower was____________ out of a single piece of valuable wood.       A. carved               B. moulded                 C. cast                D. given 2. In this town, they____________ are the frames in steel.     A. make                  B. have                          C. mould               D. cast 3. She is skilled at______________ cloth.      A. giving                B. weaving                   C. doing                 D. carving 4. If you like, I can ____________ flowers on the cushion covers for you.      A. grow                 B. make                       C. embroider              D. knit 5. Is it true that you____________ this woolen hat yourself ?       A. knitted             B. wove                 C. did                            D. carved 6. The doll has been____________ out of clay.      A. embroidered         B. cast                C. woven                    D. moulded 7. I love going to this place___________ it’s the quietest place in the city.      A. so                    B. though                 C. so that                 D. as 8. They keep changing the decoration of the shop__________ they can attract more young people.      A. so that                B. because               C. although               D. when 9. ___________ she’s young, she’s the most famous artisan in the village.        A. When               B. Although                C. Whereas               D. In order to 10. Do you know who’s __________ his pottery workshop ?        A. bringing out      B. taking over           C. passing down        D. turning down   11. I’ve __________ the product catalogue and decided to buy this table.       A. found out           B. closed down           C. looked through       D. lived on 12. This sports centre is so small that it cannot __________ the demands of local residents.       A. keep up with         B. face up to             C. deal about              D. set up 13. When I turned up, the town hall was already _____ of teenagers. A. full                           B. packed                       C. crowded                     D. jammed 14. She turned ___ the new job in New York because she didn’t want to move. A. on                             B. down                         C. off                              D. up 15. This city has one of the most___ underground rail networks in the world. A. efficient                 B. fashionable              C. cosmopolitan              D. fascinated 16. This laptop is much more user- friendly, but it costs_________ the other one. A. so much as           B. as many as         C. twice as much as         D. twice as many 17. Today’ s cities are_____ than cities in previous times. A. lot larger                  B. much larger                 C. as large                D. the largest 18. After I found all the information I needed, I____ the computer. A. turned off                 B. switched on                 C. looked for            D. put off 19. Japan is the______ developed country in the world. A. most second             B. second in most            C. second most         D. two most 20. Factories and offices should be built in__________ areas only. A. rural                         B. coastal                         C. cultural                  D. urban  

Hãy luôn nhớ cảm ơnvote 5 sao

nếu câu trả lời hữu ích nhé!

Các câu trả lời

Cách làm:
- Đọc câu hỏi và xác định từ cần điền vào các chỗ trống.
- Đọc kỹ câu trước và sau chỗ trống để chọn từ phù hợp nhất.
- Chú ý đến dạng từ cần điền (động từ, danh từ, tính từ,...) để chọn từ đúng.

Câu trả lời:
1. A. carved
2. A. make
3. B. weaving
4. C. embroider
5. A. knitted
6. D. moulded
7. A. so
8. A. so that
9. B. Although
10. B. taking over
11. C. looked through
12. A. keep up with
13. B. packed
14. B. down
15. A. efficient
16. C. twice as much as
17. B. much larger
18. A. turned off
19. C. second most
20. A. rural

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