Lớp 12
Lớp 1điểm
4 tháng trước
Đỗ Đăng Ánh

Complete the following tag question 1.This picture is yours,...? 2.Hoa never comes to school late,...? 3.You took some photos on the beach,...? 4.He hardly ever makes a mistake,...? 5.We must communicate with you by means of e-mail or chatting,...? 6.Nobody liked the play,...? 7.She'd save money if she bought fresh food,...? 8.The area was evacuated at once,...? 9.She's very funny. She's got a great sense of humor,...? 10.It never works very well,...? 11.Mr.Smith usually remembered his wife's birthdays,...? 12.Neither of them offered to help you,...? 13.He ought to have made a note of it,...? 14.There'll be plenty for everyone,...? 15.Let's go out for dinner tonight,...?

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Các câu trả lời

Cách 1:
1.This picture is yours, isn't it?
2.Hoa never comes to school late, does she?
3.You took some photos on the beach, didn't you?
4.He hardly ever makes a mistake, does he?
5.We must communicate with you by means of e-mail or chatting, mustn't we?
6.Nobody liked the play, did they?
7.She'd save money if she bought fresh food, wouldn't she?
8.The area was evacuated at once, wasn't it?
9.She's very funny. She's got a great sense of humor, hasn't she?
10.It never works very well, does it?
11.Mr. Smith usually remembered his wife's birthdays, didn't he?
12.Neither of them offered to help you, did they?
13.He ought to have made a note of it, shouldn't he?
14.There'll be plenty for everyone, won't there?
15.Let's go out for dinner tonight, shall we?

Cách 2:
1.This picture is yours, isn't it?
2.Hoa never comes to school late, does she?
3.You took some photos on the beach, didn't you?
4.He hardly ever makes a mistake, does he?
5.We must communicate with you by means of e-mail or chatting, mustn't we?
6.Nobody liked the play, did they?
7.She'd save money if she bought fresh food, wouldn't she?
8.The area was evacuated at once, wasn't it?
9.She's very funny. She's got a great sense of humor, hasn't she?
10.It never works very well, does it?
11.Mr. Smith usually remembered his wife's birthdays, didn't he?
12.Neither of them offered to help you, did they?
13.He ought to have made a note of it, shouldn't he?
14.There'll be plenty for everyone, won't there?
15.Let's go out for dinner tonight, shall we?

Cách 3:
1.This picture is yours, isn't it?
2.Hoa never comes to school late, does she?
3.You took some photos on the beach, didn't you?
4.He hardly ever makes a mistake, does he?
5.We must communicate with you by means of e-mail or chatting, mustn't we?
6.Nobody liked the play, did they?
7.She'd save money if she bought fresh food, wouldn't she?
8.The area was evacuated at once, wasn't it?
9.She's very funny. She's got a great sense of humor, hasn't she?
10.It never works very well, does it?
11.Mr. Smith usually remembered his wife's birthdays, didn't he?
12.Neither of them offered to help you, did they?
13.He ought to have made a note of it, shouldn't he?
14.There'll be plenty for everyone, won't there?
15.Let's go out for dinner tonight, shall we?

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Cảm ơn 6Trả lời.

We must communicate with you by means of e-mail or chatting, mustn't we?

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?
11 vote
Cảm ơn 2Trả lời.
Câu hỏi Tiếng anh Lớp 12
Câu hỏi Lớp 12

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