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Viết một đoạn Tiếng Anh với chủ đề ''Our greener world''

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Để viết một đoạn văn tiếng Anh với chủ đề ''Our greener world'', bạn có thể bắt đầu bằng việc nêu lý do tại sao việc bảo vệ môi trường là quan trọng, sau đó đề cập đến các biện pháp mà mọi người có thể thực hiện để giữ cho hành tinh xanh hơn.

1. Viết đoạn văn với chủ đề ''Our greener world'':
Our greener world is something that we should all strive for. Taking care of the environment is crucial for the well-being of our planet and all living beings on it. There are many simple ways in which each of us can contribute to a healthier and cleaner world. For example, we can reduce, reuse, and recycle to minimize waste, plant trees to combat deforestation, and use eco-friendly products to reduce our carbon footprint. By making conscious choices in our daily lives, we can make a positive impact on the environment.

2. Một cách khác để viết đoạn văn với chủ đề ''Our greener world'':
Protecting our environment and creating a greener world is essential for future generations. We need to be more mindful of our actions and strive to live in harmony with nature. By making simple changes in our habits, such as using public transportation, conserving water and energy, and supporting sustainable practices, we can help preserve the beauty of our planet. Together, we can work towards a cleaner and healthier world for all.

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By working together as a global community, we can achieve a greener world for future generations to enjoy.

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Educating people about the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable living is crucial in creating a greener world.

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Using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power is another important step towards a greener world.

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Planting more trees and creating green spaces in urban areas can also help make our world greener.

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