Skills 1 Unit 9: English in the world

Unit 9: English in the World - Skills 1

In Skills 1, you will practice two key skills, speaking and reading, on the topic of English in the world. The unit provides vocabulary related to the topic and information to enhance your understanding.


1. English as a Means of International Communication

The English language has become a global language due to its establishment as a native language on all continents. English predominantly dominates the world today due to two main factors. The first factor is the settlement of English-speaking people in North America in the 17th century. The second factor is the rapid population growth in the United States through mass immigration in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Nowadays, more and more people are learning English as a second language, and the way they learn is changing. In some countries, English immersion schools have been established to create an environment entirely in English for English learners. In these English-speaking communities, learners participate in all activities, such as ordering food in the cafeteria, using English.

However, new English learners are not only learning English but also changing it. Today, there are hundreds of English styles worldwide, such as "Singlish," a mix of English and Malay, Mandarin, etc., or "Hinglish," a blend of English and Hindi. New words are being created every day globally through the free incorporation of words from other languages and the easy creation of compounds and derivatives.

2. Matching Headings and Paragraphs

a. A changing language

b. A global language

c. Learning English almost 24 hours a day


3. Improving English Skills

Sorting the list of ways to improve English according to importance for you allows you to prioritize your learning methods. You can also add more ideas to enhance your language skills.

4. Group Discussion

Working in groups, compare your lists of ways to improve English and explain your ranking. This activity helps you understand different perspectives on language learning.

5. Pair Work

Choose one idea from the list and brainstorm how you can achieve it. For example, if you decide to listen to English songs to enhance vocabulary, create a plan to effectively learn new words from the songs you listen to.

By actively engaging with the content and discussing different strategies, you can enhance your language skills and improve your overall English proficiency.

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