Lớp 7
Lớp 1điểm
5 tháng trước
Phạm Đăng Hạnh

 1. What is the price of this watch? => How much................................ 2. What is the price of there beautiful scarves? => How much................................ 3. Can you tell me the way to Dong Nai post office? => Can you tell me ...................... 4. Can you tell me the way to the station? => Can you tell me ...................... 5. They are fast typists. => They ........................................ 6. Peter is a hard worker. => Peter ................... 7. There are no bottles on the shelf. => there aren't ........................... 8. We have no time to prepare the speech. => We don't have ..............................

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- Đổi câu hỏi thành câu hỏi diễn đạt theo cấu trúc đã cho
- Điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu hỏi

Câu trả lời:

1. How much is this watch?
2. How much are there beautiful scarves?
3. Can you tell me the way to Dong Nai post office?
4. Can you tell me the way to the station?
5. They type fast.
6. Peter works hard.
7. There aren't any bottles on the shelf.
8. We don't have time to prepare the speech.

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Câu hỏi Tiếng anh Lớp 7
Câu hỏi Lớp 7

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