Lớp 8
Lớp 1điểm
1 năm trước
Đỗ Bảo Long

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about what social media the teens in 3 use, why, and how often they use them. Example: Tom: What social media does Ann use? Nam: She uses YouTube. Tom: What does she use it for? Nam: She uploads her videos and watches other people's videos. Tom: How often does she use it? Nam: Every day.

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Các câu trả lời

Cách làm:

1. Bạn hỏi: "What social media does Ann use?"
2. Bạn trả lời: "She uses Instagram."
3. Bạn hỏi: "What does she use it for?"
4. Bạn trả lời: "She uses it to share photos and keep in touch with her friends."
5. Bạn hỏi: "How often does she use it?"
6. Bạn trả lời: "She uses it several times a day."

Cách làm khác:

1. Bạn hỏi: "What social media does Ann use?"
2. Bạn trả lời: "She uses Snapchat."
3. Bạn hỏi: "What does she use it for?"
4. Bạn trả lời: "She uses it to send funny pictures and messages to her friends."
5. Bạn hỏi: "How often does she use it?"
6. Bạn trả lời: "She uses it every day to chat with her friends."

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