Lớp 7
Lớp 1điểm
1 năm trước
Phạm Đăng Dung

1    Where did you go? 2    Who did you go with? 3    How did you travel? 4    Where did you stay? 5    What did you do? 6    What did you eat? 7    What did you buy?

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nếu câu trả lời hữu ích nhé!

Các câu trả lời

Cách 1:
1. Where did you go?
- I went to the beach.
2. Who did you go with?
- I went with my family.
3. How did you travel?
- We traveled by car.
4. Where did you stay?
- We stayed at a beachfront hotel.
5. What did you do?
- We swam in the ocean, built sandcastles, and went for walks along the shore.
6. What did you eat?
- We ate seafood, barbecue, and ice cream.
7. What did you buy?
- We bought souvenirs, seashells, and beach toys.

Cách 2:
1. Where did you go?
- I went to the mountains.
2. Who did you go with?
- I went with my friends.
3. How did you travel?
- We traveled by bus.
4. Where did you stay?
- We stayed in a cozy cabin.
5. What did you do?
- We went hiking, had a picnic, and stargazed at night.
6. What did you eat?
- We ate grilled food, snacks, and s'mores.
7. What did you buy?
- We bought local crafts, hiking gear, and postcards.

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Câu hỏi Lớp 7

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