Lớp 10
Lớp 1điểm
3 tháng trước
Đỗ Hồng Dung

Frederick Pohl Frederick Pohl’s book flits light-heartedly from continent to continent, mixing travelogue with gentle scientific explanation. This unusual (1) …… gives Mr Pohl the freedom to (2) …… into an extraordinarily diverse range of topics, including the physics of rainbows, and how to search for fossils in the marbled halls of downtown banks. It is all good fun, yet among the anecdotes and curious facts the scientific content is deceptively (3) …… . And along the way Mr Pohl makes a serious point. (4) …… it is not necessary to be an athlete to enjoy sport, his book suggests, it is not necessary to be a scientific expert to (5) …… science. By pointing out where science is most apparent in the world, Mr Pohl entertainingly demonstrates that it is not some (6) …… activity, but is instead everywhere that science is, in the end, a world view. 1 A accent B approa ch C manner D mea ns 2 A delve B rumma ge C investig ate D expl ore 3 A consider able B grand C ample D high 4 A Just as B Beside s C Wherea s D Even if 5 A attain B appreci ate Cappeal D ende ar 6 A abject B obsolet e C arcane D obtuse Giúp mik vs ạ , mik đang cần gấp  

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0.94889 sec| 2144.867 kb