Chuyển các câu sau sang dạng bị động
1. John collects money.
2. Anna opened the window.
3. We do our homework.
4. I asked you a question.
5. He cut out the picture.
6. The sheep ate a lot.
7. We do not clean our rooms.
8. William does not repair the car.
9. Did Sue draw this circle?
10. Did you feed the dog?
11. He teaches English.
12. The child eats bananas every day.
13. She writes a letter.
14. The master punished the servant.
15. He wrote a book.
16. Who wrote this letter?
17. Somebody cooks meal every day.
18. He wore a blue shirt.
19. They are building a house.
20. I finished the job 2 hours ago.
21. I sent the report yesterday.
22. She bought a diamond necklace.
23. Somebody stole my purse.
Các câu trả lời
Câu hỏi Tiếng anh Lớp 8
Câu hỏi Lớp 8
Bạn muốn hỏi điều gì?
Để chuyển các câu động từ sang dạng bị động, ta cần thay đổi thứ tự từ và sử dụng dạng động từ phù hợp với chủ đề của câu.Ví dụ:1. Money is collected by John.2. The window was opened by Anna.3. Our homework is done by us.4. You were asked a question by me.5. The picture was cut out by him.6. A lot was eaten by the sheep.7. Our rooms are not cleaned by us.8. The car is not repaired by William.9. Was this circle drawn by Sue?10. Was the dog fed by you?11. English is taught by him.12. Bananas are eaten by the child every day.13. A letter is written by her.14. The servant was punished by the master.15. A book was written by him.16. By whom was this letter written?17. Meal is cooked every day by somebody.18. A blue shirt was worn by him.19. A house is being built by them.20. The job was finished by me 2 hours ago.21. The report was sent by me yesterday.22. A diamond necklace was bought by her.23. My purse was stolen by somebody.
The picture was cut out by him.
A question was asked by me.
Our homework is done by us.
The window was opened by Anna.