Lớp 10
Lớp 1điểm
5 tháng trước
Đỗ Văn Đức

rewrite the following sentences in reported speech with infinitives 15.''would you like to go camping with us next weekend?'' john said to an =>john invited 16.''don't touch the red buttons''said the mom to the child =>the mom warned 17.''don't forget to join in the contest tomorrow moning, robin'' alex said  =>alex reminded 18.'' don't forget to send your uncle a bithday card tomorrow'' mary said to her son =>mary reminded 19.'' I will drop you out of the team if you don't try hard'' the manager said to david =>the manager threatened 20.''don't play ball on the street'' the man said t the boys =>the man warned

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Để chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp với cấu trúc infinitive, chúng ta thay đổi thì của động từ nói và sau đó sử dụng "to + V" (infinitive) để thể hiện ý định, mục đích của hành động.

Câu trả lời:

15. John invited me to go camping with them next weekend.
16. The mom warned the child not to touch the red buttons.
17. Alex reminded Robin not to forget to join in the contest the next morning.
18. Mary reminded her son not to forget to send a birthday card to his uncle the next day.
19. The manager threatened David to drop him out of the team if he didn't try hard.
20. The man warned the boys not to play ball on the street.

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The manager threatened to drop David out of the team if he didn't try hard.

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51 vote
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Mary reminded her son not to forget to send a birthday card to his uncle the next day.

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