Lớp 7
Lớp 1điểm
4 tháng trước
Đỗ Văn Huy

answer some question about your town 1.can you describe the towm where you grew up? 2. what places of interest are there in your home town? where they are? 3. is it a good place for young people? why? 4. where do young people in your home town me...

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Các câu trả lời

Cách làm:

1. Đọc câu hỏi cẩn thận để hiểu yêu cầu của bài viết.
2. Tìm thông tin và kinh nghiệm cá nhân liên quan đến câu hỏi.
3. Viết câu trả lời một cách cụ thể và chi tiết.

Câu trả lời:

1. I grew up in a small town called Greenfield. It's a cozy town with friendly people and a strong sense of community.
2. There are a few places of interest in Greenfield. The town square is the heart of the town, where we have a farmer's market every weekend. There's also a beautiful park with a pond and walking trails for people to enjoy.
3. I believe Greenfield is a good place for young people because it's safe, peaceful, and has a lot of opportunities for outdoor activities. The schools are also highly rated and there are plenty of job opportunities in town.
4. Young people in Greenfield usually meet up at the local cafe or the park. Sometimes, we organize community events like sports competitions or movie nights to hang out together.

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Overall, my hometown is a great place for young people to grow up in, offering a mix of cultural heritage, recreational opportunities, and a supportive community that fosters personal growth and development.

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Young people in my hometown often meet up at the local cafes, community center, or sports clubs. These places provide a social gathering space where young people can hang out, socialize, and participate in various activities together.

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My hometown is a good place for young people because it offers a close-knit community, with plenty of recreational activities and sports facilities. The educational system is also well-developed, providing opportunities for young people to pursue their academic interests.

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In my hometown, there are a few places of interest such as the historical museum, the central park with a beautiful lake, and the local market where you can find fresh produce and traditional crafts. These places are all located in the town center.

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