Lớp 7
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3. Read the text again and answer the questions. (Đọc lại văn bản và trả lời các câu hỏi.) 1. Why did Jamal receive an award? 2. What were Jamal’s two hobbies when he was sixteen? 3. Why were Jamal’s grime videos successful? 4. Why did Jamal decide to create his own TV station? 5. What did Jamal do to increase the number of SBTV viewers?

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Để trả lời các câu hỏi trên, bạn cần đọc lại văn bản và tìm thông tin liên quan đến mỗi câu hỏi. Sau đó, viết câu trả lời dựa trên thông tin đã tìm được.

1. Jamal received an award because he was recognized for his outstanding contribution to music through his work with SBTV.

2. When he was sixteen, Jamal's two hobbies were making grime videos and playing football.

3. Jamal's grime videos were successful because they showcased underground artists and provided a platform for them to showcase their talent.

4. Jamal decided to create his own TV station because he wanted to have more creative control and reach a wider audience.

5. To increase the number of SBTV viewers, Jamal promoted his videos across social media platforms and collaborated with popular artists to attract more viewers.

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Jamal's dedication and hard work in promoting SBTV led to its success and popularity among music lovers.

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To increase the number of SBTV viewers, Jamal collaborated with established artists, promoted his channel on social media, and uploaded content consistently.

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Jamal decided to create his own TV station because he wanted to provide a platform for talented artists who didn't have access to mainstream media.

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Jamal's grime videos were successful because they showcased the underground music scene in London and featured up-and-coming artists.

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Câu hỏi Tiếng anh Lớp 7
Câu hỏi Lớp 7

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