Lớp 6
Lớp 1điểm
1 năm trước
Đỗ Hồng Hưng

1.No mountain in Viet Nam is as high as Fansipan. Fansipan ___________________________________. (HIGHEST) 2.No desert is as hot as Sahara. + Sahara _______________ ____________________. (HOTTEST) 3.The USA is larger than Australia. + Australia _____________ ______________________. (SMALL) 4.The Amazon River is longer than the Mekong River. The Mekong River ___________________________________. (SHORT) 5 There are few people in this area of the country.This area ________________________. (CROWDED) 6. It is less convenient to live in the s uburbs than in the city centre. Life is ____________________ in the city cen tre than in the suburbs. (MORE) 7 .His neighbourhood is much more polluted than my neighbourhood. His nei ghbourhood is ______________________ than mine. (LESS) 8 . There are more high buildings in your city than in my city. Your city is _______________________ than my city. (MODERN) 9. We have nothing to do here. In London, w e have many outdoor activities. We h ave _____________________ life in London than here. (INTERESTING) 10 .I like my village most because others are not as peaceful. My village is _________________________ than any other villages. (MORE)    

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Các câu trả lời

Để giải câu hỏi trên, đầu tiên chúng ta cần biết cách sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh trong Tiếng Anh. Cấu trúc đó bao gồm:

- So sánh bằng: as + adjective/adverb + as
- So sánh hơn: adjective/adverb + than
- So sánh nhất: the + adjective/adverb + -est

Vậy giờ chúng ta sẽ đi vào việc trả lời cho các câu hỏi:

1. Fansipan is the highest mountain in Vietnam.
2. The Sahara is the hottest desert.
3. Australia is smaller than the USA.
4. The Mekong River is shorter than the Amazon River.
5. This area is less crowded.
6. Life is more convenient in the city centre than in the suburbs.
7. His neighbourhood is less polluted than mine.
8. Your city is more modern than my city.
9. We have a more interesting life in London than here.
10. My village is more peaceful than any other villages.

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