Lớp 7
Lớp 1điểm
10 tháng trước
Đỗ Minh Linh

Write about the history of the Temple of Literature - the Imperial Academy - Dịch:Viết về lịch sử Văn Miếu – Quốc Tử Giám.

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Cách làm:
1. Tìm hiểu thông tin về lịch sử của Văn Miếu – Quốc Tử Giám, có thể tìm trong sách, trên internet hoặc thậm chí hỏi cô giáo để có thông tin chính xác.
2. Tổ chức thông tin đã tìm hiểu thành các đoạn văn hoặc điểm chính để bắt đầu viết câu trả lời.

Câu trả lời:
The Temple of Literature, also known as the Imperial Academy, is a historical site located in Hanoi, Vietnam. It was built in 1070 by Emperor Ly Thanh Tong and dedicated to Confucius, sages, and scholars. The Temple of Literature was the first university in Vietnam, where scholars were trained in Confucian teachings and literature.

Throughout its history, the Temple of Literature has undergone various renovations and expansions, becoming an important center of learning and a symbol of Vietnamese culture and education. The site also served as a place to host important ceremonies and events, such as the annual Confucian examinations for scholars.

Today, the Temple of Literature is a popular tourist destination and a place of pride for the Vietnamese people. It continues to be a symbol of Vietnam's long-standing tradition of valuing education and knowledge.

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Today, the Temple of Literature is not only a popular tourist attraction but also a symbol of Vietnam's rich cultural and educational heritage.

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Throughout the centuries, the Temple of Literature has served as a center for culture, education, and Confucian worship in Vietnam.

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The temple complex is divided into five courtyards, each representing different areas of knowledge: literature, history, mathematics, and moral principles.

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It was established as the first national university of Vietnam to educate the sons of mandarins and scholars under the Confucian principles.

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