Change into reported speech
14. "Would you like to drink coffee?" He said
15. Lan said "You had better go to the doctor?
16. Henry said" Let's not much fuss about it"
17. They said "We will wait for if you are late"
18. Peter said " I wish I had something to eat"
Các câu trả lời
Câu hỏi Tiếng anh Lớp 8
Câu hỏi Lớp 8
Bạn muốn hỏi điều gì?
Để chuyển câu hỏi vào giọng báo cáo, đầu tiên chúng ta cần chú ý đến động từ "said" hoặc "asked" khi chuyển giọng từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp. 1. "Would you like to drink coffee?" He asked.2. Lan advised that I had better go to the doctor.3. Henry suggested not making much fuss about it.4. They mentioned that they would wait for me if I were late.5. Peter expressed his wish that he had something to eat. Chúng ta có thể sử dụng các từ nói hoặc mệnh đề để chuyển câu trực tiếp thành câu gián tiếp. Điều quan trọng là bảo toàn ý của câu hỏi ban đầu khi chuyển sang dạng báo cáo.
Peter expressed a wish that he had something to eat.
They mentioned that they would wait for me if I was late.
Henry suggested not making much fuss about it.
Lan advised that I had better go to the doctor.