Lớp 8
Lớp 1điểm
3 tháng trước
Đỗ Văn Dung

1,go home ,said the teacher us a,the teacher told us to go home b,the teacher said us to go home c,the teacher told us go home d,the teacher told to us to go home 2,please bring me some fish soup,he said to the waitress a,he asked the waitress bring him some fish soup b,he asked the waitress to bring her some fish soup c,he asked the waitress to bring him some fish soup d,he asked the waitress bring her some fish soup 3,i said to nick:where are you going? a,i asked nick where was he going b,i asked nick where he was going c,i asked nick where is he going d,i asked nick where he is going 4,you'd better apologize for being latesaid my mother a,my mother advised me to apologize for being late b,my mother suggested me to apologize for being late c,my mothe suggested apologizing for being late d,my mother warned me to apologize for being late 5,he said,my wife has just bought a diamond ring a,he said that his wife had just bought a diamond ring b,he said that my wife had just bought a diamond ring c,he said that his wife has just bought a diamond ring d,he said that his wife just bought a diamond ring 6,i will come with you as soon as i am ready,she said to philip a,she said to phlip he will come to see you as soon as he i am ready b,she told philip she will come to see her as soon as she was ready c,she told philip she would come to see you as soon as she was ready d,she told phlip she would come to see him as soon as she was ready 7,he is talking to your sister,she said to me a,she told me he was talking to your sister b,she told me she was talking to my sister c,she told me he was taling to my sister d,she told me he was talking to her sister 8,miss white sad to him,why are you so late?did your car have a flat fire? a, miss white told him why was he so late and did your car have a flat fire b, miss white asked him why was he so late and did your car have a flat fire c,miss white asked him why was he so late and if your car have a flat fire d,miss white asked him why he was so late and whether his car had a flat fire

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nếu câu trả lời hữu ích nhé!

Các câu trả lời

Phương pháp làm bài:

- Đầu tiên, đọc và hiểu câu hỏi.

- Xác định loại câu (gián tiếp, trực tiếp, yêu cầu, khuyên bảo, ...)

- Xác định thì của câu trực tiếp (thì quá khứ, hiện tại, tương lai)

- Chuyển câu trực tiếp thành câu gián tiếp, tuân theo các quy tắc chuyển đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp, bao gồm:
+ Đổi thiếu đối tượng thành đối tượng phù hợp trong câu gián tiếp.
+ Đổi thì trong câu trực tiếp thành thì phù hợp trong câu gián tiếp.
+ Đổi trạng từ, chỉ thời gian, địa điểm, người, v.v. nếu cần thiết.

- Kiểm tra lại câu trả lời và chọn câu trả lời đúng.

Câu trả lời:

1. The teacher told us to go home.

2. He asked the waitress to bring him some fish soup.

3. I asked Nick where he was going.

4. My mother suggested me to apologize for being late.

5. He said that his wife had just bought a diamond ring.

6. She told Philip she would come to see him as soon as she was ready.

7. She told me he was talking to my sister.

8. Miss White asked him why he was so late and whether his car had a flat fire.

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?
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Câu hỏi Lớp 8

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