Lớp 5
Lớp 1điểm
4 tháng trước
Đỗ Hồng Vương

I. Odd one out. 1. a. cartoon    b. story book    c. comic    d. detective story 2. a. sports festival    b. book fair    c. join    d. concert 3. a. always    b. twice    c. usually    d. never 4. a. once    b. two    c. nine    d. eleven 5. a. how often    b. how    c. who    d. hello

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Các câu trả lời

Odd one out for question 5: Hello, as it is the only greeting, while the others are question words or phrases.

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Odd one out for question 4: Eleven, as it is the only number that is an odd number, while the others are even numbers.

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Odd one out for question 3: Twice, as it is the only adverb that indicates a specific number of times, while the others are more general adverbs of frequency.

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Odd one out for question 2: Join, as it is the only verb, while the others are events or activities.

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Odd one out for question 1: Detective story, as it is the only one that is a specific genre of story, while the others are types of books.

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41 vote
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