Lớp 8
Lớp 1điểm
2 tháng trước
Đỗ Minh Đức

Rearrange these sentences in the correct order to have a meaningful dialogue: 1. Can I help you with your suitcases, John? 2. Thanks. I can manage. 3. OK. Now we're going to the hotel in the center of the city by taxi. 4. Would you mind taking me around the city by bike? 5. Hello! John. No of course not. But I have ta ask someone else to get Peter, too. 6. Thank you. Nice to meet you, Tam. 7. Peter, do you mind if Tam's friend gives us a ride around the city? 8. How do you do ? Welcome to Viet Nam. 9. No, I don't mind. But I feel a little bit scared because the traffic is so heavy. 10. OK. So we'll go on a sightseeing tour by bike at weekend. 11. Glad to see you again. Tam, this is my cousin, Peter. It's his first visit to your country.

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