Lớp 6
Lớp 1điểm
6 tháng trước
Đỗ Bảo Phương

Monarchy The UK is a monarchy. This means that the monarch (the king or queen ) is the official head of the country. However, the British monarch does not have political power because Parliament makes the laws .In fact, the monarch is not allowed to enter the Parliament building! At  ,the British people vote to choose their local MP (Member of Parliament ). These MPs are usually members of political parties .The leader of the party with the most MPs becomes Prime Minister - head of the British government .

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1. Đọc kỹ thông tin về chính phủ và quốc hội ở Anh.
2. Tìm hiểu về các khái niệm như monarchy, monarch, parliament, prime minister.
3. Xác định câu hỏi đã cho và tìm câu trả lời phù hợp.

Câu trả lời: The UK is a monarchy where the monarch is the official head of the country but does not have political power. Parliament makes the laws and the British people vote for their local MPs. The leader of the party with the most MPs becomes the Prime Minister, who is the head of the British government.

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