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Viết đoạn văn: Talk about the positive effects of tourism. (economic development; give employment; broaden knowledge about international culture...). Nhanh nha mọi ngườ <3

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Phương pháp làm:

1. Đọc câu hỏi kỹ để hiểu yêu cầu và chủ đề của đoạn văn.
2. Liệt kê các ý chính về các tác động tích cực của du lịch: phát triển kinh tế, cung cấp việc làm, mở rộng kiến thức văn hóa quốc tế.
3. Sắp xếp các ý trên thành từng đoạn để có một cấu trúc rõ ràng và logic.
4. Làm bài viết, sử dụng các từ ngữ chính xác và lưu ý về ngữ pháp và mạch lạc của đoạn văn.

Câu trả lời:

Tourism has numerous positive effects on the destinations it visits. Firstly, it greatly contributes to the economic development of these places. When tourists visit a destination, they spend money on accommodations, transportation, food, and various services, thus creating income for the local economy. This stimulates investment in infrastructure, such as hotels, restaurants, and transportation systems, leading to further economic growth.

Another positive aspect of tourism is its ability to provide employment opportunities. The industry creates jobs directly and indirectly in areas such as hospitality, travel agencies, and tour guides, which in turn reduces unemployment rates. This not only benefits the local community but also improves the standard of living for individuals and their families.

Furthermore, tourism helps broaden knowledge about international cultures. When people travel to different countries, they have the opportunity to experience and learn about local customs, traditions, and ways of life. This exposure promotes intercultural understanding and appreciation, which can foster peace and harmony among nations. Additionally, tourists often bring back newfound knowledge and cultural insights to their home countries, enriching their own communities.

In conclusion, tourism has a positive impact on various aspects of society. It generates economic development, provides employment opportunities, and enhances cross-cultural understanding. It is paramount for destinations to harness the benefits of tourism while carefully managing its potential negative impacts to ensure sustainable development.

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Another positive effect of tourism is the opportunity to broaden knowledge about international culture. When tourists travel to different countries, they are exposed to diverse traditions, customs, and cuisines. This leads to cultural exchange and understanding between people from different backgrounds, promoting tolerance and respect for diversity.

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Tourism also provides employment opportunities for the local community. As the number of tourists increases, there is a demand for workers in various sectors such as hospitality, transportation, and entertainment. This helps reduce unemployment rates and improves the standard of living for the local people.

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One positive effect of tourism is economic development. When tourists visit a destination, they spend money on accommodations, transportation, food, and attractions. This spending stimulates the local economy and creates more job opportunities for the local residents.

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