Lớp 11
Lớp 1điểm
6 tháng trước
Đỗ Văn Giang

101. I (wait) in the school yard until you come.    A. wait                        B. to wait                    C. will wait                 D. waited 102. They came here late. The train (leave).   A. leave                       B. left                          C. has left                  D. had left 103. If he reads in bad light, His eyes (ruin).    A will ruin                   B. ruin             C. will be ruined         D. will be ruin 104. She (behave) as if she (be) a baby.    A. behaves/ were         B. behave/ was        C. behaved/ is     D. behaves/ is 105. It is time for us (go).  A. go                                B. went                       C. to go           D. gone 106. George (fall) down from a ladder while he (paint) the ceiling.  A. fell/ painted        B. fall/ painted         C. fell/ was painting    D. was falling/ painted 107. Since he (buy) a car, he (drive) to work every day.      A. buys/drives B. bought/ drives        C. bought/ drive          D. buy/ drove 108. You look very thoughtful. What you (think) about?    A. are... thinking         B. think                       C. will.... think            D. thought 109. Tom (not go) out since he (fail) the exam.  A. not went/ failed      B. didn’t go/ fail         C. hasn’t go/ failed     D. hasn’t gone/failed 110. When we came, the film (show) for 20 minutes.             A. was showing          B. showed                  C. had shown              D. was being shown 111. Auld Lang Syne is a song ................... is sung on New Year’s Eve.     A. who                        B. whom                     C. when                       D. which 112. I lived in Da Lat, ............. is one of the most beautiful cities of Viet Nam.             A. who                        B. whom                     C. whose                     D. which 113. They often go to that ................. to pray.             A. shrine                      B. hostel                      C. market                    D. hotel 114. Are you a stamp .............?             A. collect                     B. collector                  C. collection                D. collecting 115. He is considered one of the greatest ............. of the country.             A. heroes                     B. hero                        C. heroin                     D. heroic 116. There is a shrine ...... the top of mountain near my house.             A. in                            B. on                           C. at                            D. from 117. We will go  ................ a picnic next week.             A. in                            B. on                           C. at                            D. from 118. There is a meeting ............ 9 am and 2 pm.             A. till                           B. on                           C. at                            D. between 119. She took many pictures to show the trip ............. her parents.             A. to                            B. on                           C. at                            D. with 120. It rains heavily, ................ I can’t go to the cinema with you.             A. because                   B. and                         C. so                            D. but 121. In Vietnam, it is normally ..............in the South than in the North.                                         A. hot                           B. hotter                     C. hottest          D. hoter 122. The food is ............... than the last time I ate it.           A. badder                     B. bad                         C. worse                        D. worst 123. Ho Chi Minh city is ...................  than Hanoi.           A. big                           B. bigger                     C. biggest          D. biger 124. Children often learn very ...................... things around them.            A. quickly                    B. quicker                   C. quickest                    D.  quick  125. She cannot sing .................. but she can play the piano beautifully.           A. good                         B. best                        C. goodly                     D. well 126. Helen always .................. with John in every school dancing competition.           A. dances                      B. dance                      C. dancing                   D. danced

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Các câu trả lời

Để giải câu hỏi về đồng phân của ancol C4H9OH, chúng ta cần biết cấu trúc của các chất và quan sát cách tách nước để tạo ra 3 olefin đồng phân.

Phương pháp giải:
1. Xác định cấu trúc của các chất:
- ancol isobutylic: (CH3)2CHCH2OH
- 2-metyl-propan-2-ol: (CH3)2C(OH)CH3
- butan-1-ol: CH3CH2CH2CH2OH
- butan-2-ol: CH3CH(OH)CH2CH3

2. Tách nước để tạo olefin:
- ancol isobutylic: ((CH3)2CH)2C=CH2
- 2-metyl-propan-2-ol: ((CH3)2C)2C=CH2
- butan-1-ol: CH3CH2CH=CH2
- butan-2-ol: CH3CH=CHCH3

Do đó, chúng ta cần chọn đáp án mà cấu trúc của ancol khi tách nước sẽ cho 3 olefin đồng phân, đáp án đúng là: A. ancol isobutylic.

Viết câu trả lời chi tiết: Đồng phân của ancol C4H9OH khi tách nước sẽ cho 3 olefin đồng phân là ancol isobutylic.

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?
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Câu hỏi Lớp 11

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