Lớp 7
Lớp 1điểm
6 tháng trước
Đỗ Huỳnh Linh

  1. My house is bigger than your house - Your house………….................................... 2. The black car is cheaper than the red one. - The red car…………..................................... 3. There is the sink, a tub and a shower in the bathroom. - The bathroom ……........................................ 4. No one in Trung’s class is taller than him. - Trung.............................................................. 5. Do you have a better hat than this? - Is this............................................................. 6. My house is the oldest house on the street. - No houses....................................................... 7. How excellent the girl is! - What.............................................................. 8. It is one – fifty. - It is ten........................................................... 9. What is your address? - Where............................................................ 10. Finding an apartment in a big city is not easy. - It is................................................................

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Các câu trả lời

Cách làm:
- Đọc câu hỏi kỹ và xác định yêu cầu của từng câu.
- Xác định mối quan hệ giữa hai phần câu (so sánh, đánh giá, thể hiện sự ngạc nhiên, v.v.).
- Tìm từ hoặc cụm từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống theo yêu cầu của câu hỏi.

Câu trả lời:
1. Your house is smaller than my house.
2. The red car is more expensive than the black one.
3. The bathroom has the sink, a tub, and a shower.
4. Trung is the tallest in his class.
5. Is this the best hat you have?
6. No houses on the street are older than my house.
7. What an excellent girl!
8. It is ten minutes to two.
9. Where do you live?
10. It is difficult to find an apartment in a big city.

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Câu hỏi Lớp 7

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