Lớp 6
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2 tháng trước
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Xem giúp mình sửa lỗi ngữ pháp và từ vựng với Hello everyone . My name is A . I am twelve years old .I am student at ABC secondary school . Today ,I would like to tell you about my house in the future. My future house will be a smart home. It will be near the beach. My smart home will have two floors with 4 modern rooms. There will be a large flower garden in front and a swimming pool behind the house. There will be a smart robot in the house. Smart robot will help me do lots of housework, such as cleaning the floors, cooking meals, feed the pets. The house will us solar energy to protect the environment. I want to have this house in the future. Thank for your listening

Hãy luôn nhớ cảm ơnvote 5 sao

nếu câu trả lời hữu ích nhé!

Các câu trả lời


- Lỗi chính tả:
1. 'Liệt kê' -> 'List'
2. 'ABC secondary school' -> 'ABC Secondary School'
3. 'house in the future' -> 'future house'
4. 'My smart home will have two floors with 4 modern rooms.' -> 'My future smart home will have two floors with 4 modern rooms.'
5. 'There will be a smart robot in the house.' -> 'There will be a smart robot in the house that will help me.'
6. 'Smart robot will help me do lots of housework' -> 'The smart robot will help me do lots of housework'
7. 'feed the pets' -> 'feed the pets.'
8. 'The house will us solar energy' -> 'The house will use solar energy'
9. 'Thank for your listening' -> 'Thank you for listening'
- Lỗi ngữ pháp:
1. 'I am student at ABC secondary school' -> 'I am a student at ABC Secondary School'
2. 'My future house will be a smart home.' -> 'My future house will be a smart home'
3. 'There will be a smart robot in the house.' -> 'There will be a smart robot in the house that will help me.'
4. 'Smart robot will help me do lots of housework, such as cleaning the floors, cooking meals, feed the pets.' -> 'The smart robot will help me do lots of housework, such as cleaning the floors, cooking meals, and feeding the pets.'
5. 'The house will us solar energy to protect the environment.' -> 'The house will use solar energy to protect the environment.'
Giải thích: Các lỗi chính tả và ngữ pháp trong đoạn văn trên đã được sửa lại để giúp câu chuyện trở nên rõ ràng và dễ hiểu hơn. Đồng thời, việc sử dụng các từ ngữ và cấu trúc ngữ pháp chính xác sẽ giúp viết một văn bản trở nên chuyên nghiệp hơn.


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