Lớp 11
Lớp 1điểm
8 tháng trước
Đỗ Hồng Ánh

Bài 1. Chia động từ: 1) It is easy (see)....... animals on th road in daylight. 2) I asked him (explain)........... but he refused (say)......... anything. 3) It is pleasant (sit).......by a fire at night. 4) There was no way of (get) .......out of the building except by (climb)......down a rope. 5) It's no good (write).......... to him, he never answers letters. 6) Ask him (come)......in. Don't keep him (stand)........at the door. 7) We watched the children (jump).........from a window and (fall).......into a lanket held by people below. 8) It is very pleasant (wake).......up and (hear)....... the rain (beat).......on the windows. Bài 2. Sắp xếp cho đúng. 1. story /I /your/ again/ no/ to have /hearing /injection 2. people /caring /life/ entire spends /other /She /her/ for 3. finds /difficult/ talking /very /about /his /He /problems 4. participating/ kind/ are /of/ volunteer/ in/ What/ work/ ?/ You 5. to /donation/ receive/ our/ for /I /would/ like /the/ express /we /thanks./ Bài 3. Viết câu gián tiếp. 1. " you had better go to the docter". -> He urged me........ 2. " You've got to lend me some money ". -> He begged me......... 3. " Give me your homework " -> The teacher told us........ 4. " Please, don't smoke in my car". -> He asked us........ 5. "I'll buy you an ice cream ". -> My dad promised....... 6. " Would you like to have a drink with me". -> He invited me........ 7. " You should give up smoking ". -> The docter advised me....... 8. "Don't shoot". -> He General ordered us......... 9. "It was really kind of you to help me". Mary said to you. -> Mary thanked me......... 10. "I'll drive you to the airport." John said to Linda. -> John insisted.......... 11. "You have passed the final exams . Congratulations!". Jim said to you. -> Jim congratulated me........ 12. It was nice of you to invite me to the dinner. Thank you ." Miss White said to Peter. -> Miss White thanked......... 13. "Don't play with the matches!". I said to Jack. -> I wanted.......... 14. "I'm sorry I didn't phone you earlier." Margaret said to you. -> Margaret apologized......... 15. "You didn't do what I said", the mother said to her son. -> The mother accused.......

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Các câu trả lời

Phương pháp làm:

1) Các từ cần điền vào là "to see". Ta có câu hoàn chỉnh: It is easy to see animals on the road in daylight.

2) Các từ cần điền vào là "to explain" và "to say". Ta có câu hoàn chỉnh: I asked him to explain but he refused to say anything.

3) Các từ cần điền vào là "to sit". Ta có câu hoàn chỉnh: It is pleasant to sit by a fire at night.

4) Các từ cần điền vào là "to get" và "to climb". Ta có câu hoàn chỉnh: There was no way of getting out of the building except by climbing down a rope.

5) Các từ cần điền vào là "writing". Ta có câu hoàn chỉnh: It's no good writing to him, he never answers letters.

6) Các từ cần điền vào là "to come" và "to stand". Ta có câu hoàn chỉnh: Ask him to come in. Don't keep him standing at the door.

7) Các từ cần điền vào là "jumping" và "falling". Ta có câu hoàn chỉnh: We watched the children jumping from a window and falling into a blanket held by people below.

8) Các từ cần điền vào là "waking", "hearing" và "beating". Ta có câu hoàn chỉnh: It is very pleasant waking up and hearing the rain beating on the windows.

Bài 2:

1) Ta cần sắp xếp lại thành: I have no injection to hear your story again.

2) Ta cần sắp xếp lại thành: She cares for other people's entire life.

3) Ta cần sắp xếp lại thành: He finds it very difficult to talk about his problems.

4) Ta cần sắp xếp lại thành: What kind of volunteer work are you participating in?

5) Ta cần sắp xếp lại thành: I would like to express our thanks for receiving the donation.

Bài 3:

1) He urged me to go to the doctor.

2) He begged me to lend him some money.

3) The teacher told us to give him our homework.

4) He asked us not to smoke in his car.

5) My dad promised to buy me an ice cream.

6) He invited me to have a drink with him.

7) The doctor advised me to give up smoking.

8) The General ordered us not to shoot.

9) Mary thanked me for helping her.

10) John insisted on driving Linda to the airport.

11) Jim congratulated me on passing the final exams.

12) Miss White thanked Peter for inviting her to the dinner.

13) I wanted Jack not to play with the matches.

14) Margaret apologized for not phoning earlier.

15) The mother accused her son of not doing what she said.

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