a- Tom declared, 'I want to visit my friends this weekend.'
b- Jason asked, ‘Who gave you the laptop yesterday?’
c- My parents told me not to stay up late.
d- Linda asked, ‘Did Max fly to London two weeks ago?’
e- A man asked, ‘What time does the train to Liverpool leave?’
f- My sister told me that she had been waiting for me at the station when the accident had happened.
g- Emily said, ‘Our teacher will be absent tomorrow.’
h- Alice said, ‘I spent all my pocket money on Monday.’
i- Mom announced, ‘The president is giving a speech tonight.’
j- My father told me that he would accept to take me to Spain the next summer.
k- Fred replied, ‘I have left my mobile here.’
l- My cousin asked me, ‘How is your boyfriend?’
m- The teacher said to her students, ‘Don’t waste your time in class and study harder at home.’
Các câu trả lời
Câu hỏi Tiếng anh Lớp 7
Câu hỏi Lớp 7
Bạn muốn hỏi điều gì?
Cách làm:1. Đọc kỹ từng câu và xác định loại câu (câu tuyên bố, câu hỏi, câu nói trực tiếp, câu nói gián tiếp).2. Xác định chủ từ của mỗi câu và dựa vào nó để chuyển từ câu nói trực tiếp sang câu nói gián tiếp.3. Chuyển đổi thì trong câu nếu cần thiết.4. Điều chỉnh cấu trúc câu và thời gian cho phù hợp.Câu trả lời:a- Tom declared that he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.b- Jason asked who had given him the laptop the day before.c- My parents told me not to stay up late.d- Linda asked if Max had flown to London two weeks before.e- A man asked what time the train to Liverpool left.f- My sister told me that she had been waiting for me at the station when the accident happened.g- Emily said their teacher would be absent the following day.h- Alice said she had spent all her pocket money on Monday.i- Mom announced that the president was giving a speech that night.j- My father told me that he would accept to take me to Spain the following summer.k- Fred replied that he had left his mobile there.l- My cousin asked me how my boyfriend was.m- The teacher told her students not to waste time in class and to study harder at home.
My sister told me that she had been waiting for me at the station when the accident happened.
The man asked what time the train to Liverpool left.
Linda asked if Max had flown to London two weeks ago.
My parents advised me not to stay up late.