Lớp 10
Lớp 1điểm
1 năm trước
Phạm Đăng Phương

1. Do you come from a large family or a small family? 2. As a child, who did you spend more time with: your family or your friends? Why? 3. When you were a child, how did you spend your weekends? 4. What did you enjoy most about school? 5. When you were at school, who did you think was your best teacher? Why? (trả lời giúp mình mấy câu này với ạ)

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nếu câu trả lời hữu ích nhé!

Các câu trả lời

1. I come from a large family. I have four siblings, along with my parents and grandparents. It is always lively and chaotic in my family, but I love the sense of community and having many people to share experiences with.

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?
51 vote
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1. I come from a small family. I have only one sibling and my parents. We are a close-knit family and I enjoy the intimacy and support that comes with having a small family.

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?
11 vote
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Câu hỏi Tiếng anh Lớp 10
Câu hỏi Lớp 10

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